At the workshop held by Masha Dalanay we dove into the topic!
As a group we were eager to dive into the topic and gain clarity on how to make more targeted business decisions.
We brought our laptops to work on our own numbers in real time and left with some great insights:
Understanding Your Margins
We explored which services or products deliver the best margins, helping participants identify their most profitable offerings. Breaking down offerings revealed hidden costs and clarified profitability, sparking some nice clarity for the goals of the year!
Break even points
The break even point sounds simple enough theoretically. But when it comes to evaluating it per service, how to split your total and variable costs across the different services... For example do you split it by the revenue % the service brings in or by the time they take you? As everything, it all depends, but well worth having a think about it for your own business structure as we develop (or rethink) that new service we had in our mind.
Building a 5-Year Financial Plan
We crafted a personalised roadmap for sustainable growth, starting with the end and breaking it down backwards. Exploring financial scenarios gave us a clearer vision of potential outcomes.
Join us at a next workshop and grow your business, you can see all of the upcoming events here and done forget to register with your code is you are a member to get free access to any of the events!
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