Come Coworking in Nyon with us!

Are you a MasterMinds member? Remember that every Tuesday is coworking day.

Coworking and the office space to rent in the center of Nyon are a great new addition to our community! 
You can rent the space as an office for the day, to host your workshops, use it as a meeting room or even a recording studio if you choose. 


It has flexible and simple to use amenities with the beamer, tables that can be moved around easily and space to host up to 20 people. Have a look here for all the rental conditions of this central Nyon location.


Eight tips for coworking efficiently

Over the past few weeks I have realised there is a way to make the most out of the coworking time. Also there are tasks I do well there, and others, I'd best do at home when I'm undisturbed. Here are my top tips so far:


1. Plan for the day.
If you know you're headed into the Clubhouse on a Tuesday coworking day, know what you want to get done while you are there. It's great to help you get off to a quick start and also to be more productive throughout the day. The office space is open for members to come and go between 09:00 and 16:00


2. Choose those tasks you've been procrastinating on
With people coming and going and having a chat every now and then, you don't want to come in for the undisturbed work you have to get done. You're better off at home or renting the space for yourself and putting your head down to deep dive in that case.
Do opt for the tasks that you have been pushing away and that are starting to weigh you down. For example, that blog post that needs to get written. An offer you have to get out, those meetings you need to organise, the people you have been wanting to reach out to.
These tasks are easy enough on the brain to withstand things going on around you, and the buzz and change of scenery brings a refreshing energy so you stay alert, even during those more painful tasks.

3. Leverage the accountability
When you arrive, after settling in and making yourself a drink, share what you plan on getting done. ESPECIALLY if it's something you are not at all looking forward to.
You'll hear chants of understanding, cheers of encouragement and who knows you'll motivate your peer to jump onto the bandwagon with you and cross something similar off their list. 
Is there not a saying that goes along the lines of "A pain shared is a pain halved?" 🤔
In any case, the fact of stating what you want to have done by the time you leave, will tap into your determination to do it (slightly?) more!


4. Use the to-do - doing - done system.
At the back of the room you will find this simple system on the flip chart. If you want to increase the accountability, but also the playfulness and visual factor; this is your system.
When you arrive don't just share what you are doing verbally, write down the individual tasks on a post it each. Stick them all at the top except what you are going to get started with. This one you stick in "doing". Then get going. Get up and move them along as you go. Watch them drop to the bottom. It's VERY satisfying!

5. Stuck? Ask a quick-fire question
One of the beauties of coworking is right there. Something you may be stuck on something for days when you're alone. In a shared office environment, can be resolved in a matter of minutes very simply.
For example, we had a discussion whereby someone was avoiding sending a quote to a potential new client. She was unsure exactly what to include and how to formulate the services in this specific case. 
A round of questions soon uncovered the real matter was: Did she even really want to work with this client at all? She had seen a few red flags in their previous discussions and was hesitant it would inevitably lead to frustration all round. 
Soon it was suggested that she stipulate clearly what is included, and what is NOT included firmly as well as a clear timeline and what the client's responsibilities are in the path to successful collaboration. This would allow the client to see for themselves if they want to accept the service with those conditions or not.
A question that had been in her head was simplified and cleared up and five minutes later we were all back at our own tasks. 

6. Enjoy networking
Coworking is wonderful for networking and creating stronger bonds together. Working on concrete things in the same office space both allows you to consolidate your ideas, learn from how others do it, and even find areas of overlap you had not previously identified clearly. It's networking on the next level! Now you know better who to refer to for what and they know better what you do and how you work. 

7. Dont feel obliged to participate in every discussion you hear around you

This is a big one. In the beginning I felt more obliged to be "polite" and engage in every discussion I hear around me. Now I do so less, sometimes I don't have much to add other than what is already being discussed, sometimes I need to keep going and focus on my task.
We need to all feel free to ask a quick question, and likewise also no to answer every one of them :-)

8. And finally: Have fun
We've taken to putting on some sing along - dance along commercial music after the lunch break and it's a lovely energy boost. It's also a great reminder of all these great people you've surrounded yourself with (with excellent taste in music!) Blow off some steam, have a laugh, a sing and a dance, and keep squishing those frogs!


Not yet a member?
Have a look at the membership options here. All membership options include the option to come Coworking with us! 
Want to rent the office space? Have a look at the office space page here (LINK). You can also see this blog article for more information on the clubhouse.
We are located at Rue Nicole 3, 1260 Nyon.

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The B-inspired Office Space

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