Last call for current rates: What has happened so far?

masterminds news Jun 10, 2024

We’re approaching our MasterMinds community’s 1st birthday in September.

So much has happened in a short time, thanks in a very big part to the great ideas that have been coming in from our members. Something I am feeling very grateful for, thank you!

In September the options are being updated, more on that soon. In the meantime before the rates go up you have a few days left to register at the current rate of CHF600 for the 6-month period and start with your MasterMinds group in September. 

Here is a quick overview of what has happened in this time. 

✨ We grew to 21 members within the MasterMinds community, with an extended community joining us at events regularly of over 50 members
✨ There are now 4 parallel MasterMinds groups
✨ Our Clubhouse opened its doors on the 13th of March 
✨ We have held a total of 12 workshops held by 8 different facilitators
✨ There have been 2 networking events with a total attendance of around 100 people!
✨ We have close to 90% retention rate: 21 out of 24 members are still with us since September last year
✨ We have started hosting co-working sessions at the Clubhouse to enhance focus

Not to mention the best part, the collaborations, business development and growth that has come up for the individual members in a variety of ways.

Where will we be this time next year? Moving forward there will be several different options for members to join providing three separate options and thereby more flexibility as of June 17th. More on this soon, but in order not to catch anybody by surprise there will be a price increase at that time too. Here are the current conditions still applicable until the 15th if June with a starting date in September.

If you have any questions you can book a 30-min call at your convenience so we can discuss them.


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