Sometimes you drop the ball...

Uncategorized Jan 16, 2025

That happened to me recently, and it didn't feel great to say the least.


I had mixed up a few details for one of the workshops due to a change we made to it initially, with plenty of time. But the chain of actions I needed to put in place to reflect the changes were not done well. I went too fast... 🙄

As a result, both the location was not correct for some people and there was a mix up in the timing causing some confusion as we got started.

It was not the end of the world, and the workshop went well thanks to our fantastic facilitator, but it had me feeling very silly, embarrassed and angry at myself.

The thing is.... we all drop a ball at one point in time don't we?
Much as we try to stay on top of everything, it can happen. At least that's what I would tell someone. 
And if we never want to fail, we might as well do nothing at all to avoid the risk...

So why is it hard to apply that for myself?

I don't have an answer but I did think it was interesting to simply share the experience for what it's worth. All I can do for now is say sorry, try to understand why it happened and how I can avoid it next time.

Then it's time to get back up and keep going!

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