And just like that… 5 years flew by

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2024

I woke up to a lot of activity in my LinkedIn inbox.

What happened? I thought.

“Is it my birthday? Are we in June already?”


Not my birthday.

My 5-year work anniversary.


I feel stunned. Really? Has it been that long???

I feel proud. I’m still here!


And yes, I feel frustrated.

You may be surprised to see me write that.

  1. I’m the eternal optimist
  2. Aren’t we only supposed to mention our successes when we communicate?


The second one really gets me. It looks like no one struggles. Everyone is successful. Then when someone suddenly makes a change we are surprised. What happened? They were doing so well…?


But – you know – I’m Dutch. We don’t do diplomacy very well. For better or for worse.


I do have to admit I feel frustrated that I’m not further yet.

  • I’m nowhere close to where I thought I was headed when I started out
  • I don’t feel like I have achieved much professional success in the space of 5 years as I would have wanted to
  • I feel like I’ve made too many mistakes and wasted a lot of time


Some people make a plan, and 5 years down the line they are EXACTLY where they set out to be. It’s not a myth, I’ve seen it myself and am so impressed.

Then I look at where I am and I wonder if I did something wrong.


But the truth is I think I’ve walked the path I needed to walk. Made the “mistakes” I needed to make.

I took the scenic route and do you know what? I’ve loved every step on the way.

Not once did I feel like throwing in the towel. Sometimes I have felt I would have to because I needed to make ends meet, but not because it’s what I wanted to do.


Shyly, I love what B-inspired has become. It’s not the mega successful world class business. I guess that’s not what I want after all.

I still as many battles to face as that I have behind me if not more. But when I look around at the people around me (that's you!), at what I do from day to day, and at what big dreams I still have for it, I feel so happy and grateful for it.


So, I’ll go back to putting my head in the sand time-wise and LinkedIn might give me another shock reminder in a few years. I hope to still feel all the passion I feel for my business today.


And no matter where I stand at that time, I feel confident I will still feel proud because I pour my heart into the quality I provide with the different services and try to make a real impact on helping people move forward with more clarity and joy.

Welcome to the new blog! I finally took the leap to start one. Previously I hadn't known what I wanted to write all of that "Stuff" about. Now I know. I'll just share my experiences as I navigate business and... well life. And I'll share that with anyone that might be interested in reading along and gearing the truth.


If you feel that frustration too from time to time, it’s normal. We’re doing our best and as long as we stick to that, things will work out in one way or another. Keep going.

Have a look at the B-inspired service here if you too (like many others) don't know what it is I actually do :-) 
That's ok, I do way too many things, its normal to be confused!


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