Have you tried "The Role Playing Games" yet?

Uncategorized Oct 08, 2024

There's a new type of event in B-inspired town: The Role Playing Games!

There is a world of difference between knowing theoretically what to say in potentially uncomfortable situations like networking, a sales call or a contract negotiation for example - and actually saying it in a natural way.


Most of us know the theory well enough - the problem comes when we are on the spot and we struggle to get the words out in a way that sounds as good in reality as it should do according to the theory.

That's why we launched the role playing games!

It evolved out of a hot seat session where we spent the time role playing the cold sales call. As a result we all felt enlightened having leant from each other and seeing in a very practical way the different approaches.

Why are these conversations hard?
Typically what these situations have in common is that we have a perceived imbalance of "power". One person has something the other wants. And you want them to give it to you. In a nutshell 😂 
Let's say there is a "power holder" and an "asker".
These sessions are included in MasterMinds memberships and open for non-members to join us.

How does it work?
Groups of 3-4 people
One plays the role of the "power holder" - One plays the "asker" - The other(s) are observers.
Short 2-3 minute simulations on a specific context that you choose
A quick round of feedback from each participant in the group
Switch roles and take on a new challenge

Role plays take place from 17:30-18:30 and there will be a quick networking and wrap up 30mins before we all go back home!

Upcoming Role-Play Games

Sales call/meeting role play - December 3rd 17:30 - 19:00
Situation: You're meeting THE person you want to be in front of, whether a potential client, employer or other. They are loosely open to listening to you but not entirely sure where you are coming from. It's time to communicate the value of your offer or skills to someone that does not know you.

Contract negotiation role play - February 3rd 17:30-19:00
Situation: You're down to the contract negotiation part. Congratulations. Getting to this point is not so easy and it means you have overcome many of the potential obstacles along the way. But this part is key! You want to make sure you find the win-win situation, for your conversation partner, but also for you! What are the conditions you want? You can be flexible but you dont want to find yourself bending over backwards to make it happen. Identify your non-negotiable and your boundaries and make sure you state those with confidence. 

Networking role play - April 1st 17:30-19:00
Situation: You're at en event and meeting people who keep asking you; "So what do you do?" No more giving rushed or unclear answers, time to be very precise and crystal clear when you answer this question, Come and rehearse, formulate and/or fine-tune your answers and hear how others are doing it as well as how it is to be on the receiving end of a pitch. 

Join us in the mission of making stretching your comfort zone fun and practical!

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