The events calendar is up and includes an open doors event in March!

calendar events workshop Jan 25, 2024

The year ahead is looking full of inspiring things to learn and people to meet with the events.


At the end of the year I had the agenda planned until June in about 60minutes. With so many people and so many skills to share, it's a pleasure to see it come together in this way. And there more coming too!


Maybe there is something there for you?

We have a maximum of 15 participants per workshop, so we are sure to have space to handle the different topics and specific challenges people bring.


We have a selection of workshops allowing us to upskill like:

- Pauliina Rasi's "Crystal Clear Communication Strategy" in the 28th of February

- Creative Problem Solving by Adi Muslic back for a rerun in April

- The link between profit and mindset by Fran Strickland on June 24th


Open doors networking breakfast and summer parties that you can drop into for free even if you are not yet a member.

Feel the vibe and just spend some time meeting like minded people and having a...

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Meet Helen von Dadelszen: "I'm a thespian at heart and singing lights me up."

events mastermind members Jan 25, 2024

Within our Mastermind community we have so many inspiring individuals. In this presentation series you are introduced to them.

Meet Helen von Dadelszen.

She’s a public speaking and voice coach specialising in supporting researchers, healthcare professionals and humanitarian staff to explain their work to the world with confidence. Originally from New Zealand, she now calls Switzerland home. She has a background in Human Resource Management, NGO and event management and dabbled in English teaching too once upon a time.


« I'm masterminding because I believe that we are stronger together and believe in the collective power of supporting and pushing each other forward. »


One of her favourite motto’s is “work smarter not harder.” And its become contagouis. We all repeat this to each other and ourselves when we hear the instinct to over-complicate or “over-perfect”.

Helen has a superpower to unlock someone’s...

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Turn your "old" problem upside down to get a new view on it

Do you find you are often "stuck" on the same issue?
Turn the problem upside down, and look at it from a different angle.

Have you ever thought about how much other professionals, in in unrelated fields, can help you look at your own business from a fresh angle?

During our creative problem solving workshop held by Adi Muslic we did just this.

Adi’s expertise in project management is mostly from working with big organisations, but the post-it fuelled creative problem-solving method applies perfectuly to small businesses as well.

Here are five takeaways I walked away with:

1. Approach the problem from a different angle.
Brainstorm solutions on sticky notes & draw them too… This opens up your thinking to new solutions!

2. Tap into collective intelligence - don’t ruminate about it alone.
Set a problem-solving coffee date with a trusted group of entrepreneurs and get creative.

3. Have the courage to eliminate the weakest solutions.
Keep only the...

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« What do you do Mandy ? » I hate that question!

"What do you do?"
I never really know what to say.

So I asked chat GPT what I do best .
In case anyone is wondering - here's it is :-) Get in touch if I can help you!

And do try this out yourself, it's a nice and easy confidence boost!

"Overall, Mandy Bronsil's greatest strengths lie in her ability to empower individuals, facilitate transformation, and provide practical tools and strategies for personal and professional success.

1. Coaching

Mandy is a highly effective coach, skilled at guiding individuals through the process of self-discovery and personal transformation. She has a natural ability to connect with her clients, identify their strengths and challenges, and provide the necessary support and guidance to help them unlock their full potential.

2. Inspirational Speaking

Mandy's dynamic and engaging speaking style allows her to connect with and inspire audiences. Whether delivering keynote speeches or conducting workshops, she delivers powerful messages that motivate individuals...

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What IS a Mastermind group even?

community mastermind Jan 15, 2024

 "The concept sounds interesting, but... what IS a mastermind group exactly?"

That’s a question I’ve heard a lot over the past few months!


So I decided to list the basics.

What is a mastermind group?
You’ll find a whole host of definitions; this is my summarised one!

A mastermind group is made up of around five members who help each other grow professionally with advice and active support from the other members. The concept was created by Napoleon Hill in 1925.

How, specifically, do members support each other?
-       By sharing a problem and all focus together to find the best solution
-       Growing through combined networks
-       Teaching each other about our expertise for growth
-       Holding each other accountable for goals and actions
-       Providing a safe space to move...

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THAT dreaded interview question – and what to do about it.

interview workshop Jan 11, 2024

What’s THAT interview question you dread?

You’d better be ready to answer it!

Discomfort shows during an interview, even if there is nothing to hide, or nothing done “wrong”, the discomfort IS contagious. And it’s worth getting rid of.


Often you already have the answer inside of you, you just need a little help formulating it clearly and to gather the confidence with which to express yourself if and when you need to answer it.

In this "most common interview mistakes" article that you can download, I cover a few I’ve seen throughout my career and how you can avoid them.


If you want to practice your own interviewing skills book yourself a “boost-me" workshop and well make sure you are “sticky-interview-question-ready”!

Details can be found with this link


It’s time to get rid of the doubts and make sure your interview goes smoothly. And have some fun doing it!

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Mastering the Art of Customer Journeys Workshop - January 24th

Captivate and Delight Your Customers.

 We all know the customer journey is important. Sure.

But how many of us have correctly evaluated the various touch points, their importance and how to best interact at each client intersection point?

If for you (like me), it's not a bad idea to go back to the drawing board and make sure your ducks are in a row, this workshop is for you. 


This upcoming workshop is facilitated by Julie de Meyer

Held on Wednesday 24th of January between 09:00 and 11:00 in Nyon. You'll find more information here.


We'll be considering these questions: 

Is your customer journey optimized for success?

How do you gauge customer satisfaction and encourage positive word-of-mouth?

What strategies do you use to foster customer loyalty and retention?

How do you harness strategic insights from your customers?


Join us for a dynamic live workshop where you'll dive deep into your customer journey map, ensuring it's finely tuned for...

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And just like that… 5 years flew by

Uncategorized Jan 11, 2024

I woke up to a lot of activity in my LinkedIn inbox.

What happened? I thought.

“Is it my birthday? Are we in June already?”


Not my birthday.

My 5-year work anniversary.


I feel stunned. Really? Has it been that long???

I feel proud. I’m still here!


And yes, I feel frustrated.

You may be surprised to see me write that.

  1. I’m the eternal optimist
  2. Aren’t we only supposed to mention our successes when we communicate?


The second one really gets me. It looks like no one struggles. Everyone is successful. Then when someone suddenly makes a change we are surprised. What happened? They were doing so well…?


But – you know – I’m Dutch. We don’t do diplomacy very well. For better or for worse.


I do have to admit I feel frustrated that I’m not further yet.

  • I’m nowhere close to where I thought I was headed when I started out
  • I don’t feel like I have achieved much...
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